Meet Ed

Ed was born in Brazil lived in Sao Paulo for his first 15 years of life, then after bugging his parents to be an exchange student in USA he got his wish granted.

The idea was to go to the USA for a year, live with a host family in order to be fully emerged into a new culture and learn how to speak English. A year went by super fast and he wanted to stay more as he felt it was not enough for him. He lived in a small town in the western part of Tennessee. Ed applied to the University of Tennessee in Knoxville and again convinced his family that having an American education would be the best thing for his life.

Wish number 2 granted! So he went after a year of been an exchange student in Union City, TN to the other side of the state to experience a full blown American University life! Ed Graduated from the University of Tennessee with a BS Degree in Business Admn, minor in Marketing and Finance. He was just like many young man, had no clue what he was going to do with his new degree and had no idea yet what he wanted to do in life in terms of work, after all the college years were so great, he made so many friends, joined a Fraternity on campus, had a good time indeed.

A week after his graduation his father called to give some bad news, although he has always been very fortunate to be able to travel outside his country, have a family that would provide for his studies and living expenses, Ed never had a formal job where he would actually make enough money to not have to depend on his family financially. It was indeed a difficult conversation as his Dad explained that after that day he would have to provide for himself as that would be his next step in life, figure out how to make money and survive. His Dad have always been a font of inspiration to him, as a human been, a successful developer in Brazil and a loving father that would go above and beyond to provide for Ed and his brother Cesar.

Ed and Cesar playing at home

Ed with his father Mario and Brother Cesar

Ed with his dad Mario and brother Cesar

What now?

Ed had to actually invent himself and went out to find a work that above all he would be happy to wake up every morning and feel excited about it. Well, It did prove to be easier said than done. He really had to go thru several interesting experiences from selling cars in Memphis, TN to working on a multilevel marketing company in Atlanta, GA. Long years that shaped his road for the years to come.

It was then when he realized that he would have to follow his heart and unfortunately depart from the USA a place that after almost 15 years really felt like home in order to be exposed again to different cultures, experiences and explore a career path where he could actually take advantage of his multicultural experience.


He was young and could take some risks so off he went taking a job position in New Delhi, India. The company was looking for a young professional that spoke English, had recently graduated from College and Yes, spoke Portuguese, that by the way it is his first language ! He stayed 2 years in India before deciding to go back to Brazil and explore a career. At the time in the late 90’s multinational companies were flooding Brazil with all types of investments to secure a spot in new developing market.

SAo Paulo, Brazil

Arriving in Brazil after so many years living outside of his home, or better said, half of his life (29 years old) was to say the least a strange feeling. Ed found help from a hired headhunter. In his first conversation he explained that his dream would be to work for a major American multinational company that was starting their business venture in Brazil, he was willing to start from ground zero and work as hard as he could to learn and help the company grow. After weeks of interviewing process, keep in mind we taking about early 90’s, no internet no linkedin ok? Resumes had to be mailed in to those companies and the candidate would need to wait a call back with an interview date.

He started his career in the Telecommunications industry in the late 90’s when no mobile phones were yet available in Brazil just pagers. Ed started as a sales executive level -1, he was green but always showed a desire and willingness to work hard to overachieve any objectives to was set for him.

OFF to MExico and back to the uSA, a 23 years career path

After 10 years in Brazil and working hard to exceed and move from ground level at his organization, Ed was offered and Expat position in Mexico so off he went to what was going to be an initial assignment of 2 years, it turned into 6 years! So many things happened and so many people helped Ed succeed along his professional sales and executive life ! After 6 years in Mexico another assignment was offered and this one back to the USA where he always wanted to return.

Ed Met Patricia right at the end of his period in Mexico during a business trip to Brazil. Patricia was a friend of a good friend of his and one day as he was looking at his Instagram feed he saw a picture of Patricia at the beach in Brazil along side his friend Lua. Ed says it was love at first “LIKE”, and for some reason he knew that she would be the one.

The Instagram Picture !

First Date with Patricia. Yes, Lua was invited!

New Delhi, India

First business trip on new job

Awarded Brazil Top salesperson after 1 year on new job

As an Expat in Mexico - 6 years living in Mexico City

Only after 6 months that Ed and Patricia met they were married. They decided to get married in Mexico since Ed had to quickly move to the USA because of work and both agreed that they did not want to have a big party but instead really enjoy their honey moon by taking several trips in the future!


In 2018 Ed and Patricia moved to the USA and lived there until 2021 when Ed decided it was time for a big change After years of careful financial planning, Ed decided to resign from the company he worked for and focus 100% in traveling, exploring the world and now work in a different way, taking advantage of the advances of technology and telecommunications to develop businesses that can be remotely managed, creating a revenue stream to support and enhance his passion to travel and explore the world